The Yoga Process Posts
Regular updates, practice news and yoga related events
January Yoga 2024
The next series of five yoga classes will begin Thursday 11th January until February 8th.
The class is made up of forty five minutes of breath centric asana followed by a seated breathing practice and a short lying down meditation. January can be a bleak time of year so this class aims to gently lift the spirits while cultivating stability and calm in the body and mind.
The Kleshas in Practice
The kleshas: forces that affect all levels of our being — except spirit.
It can be interesting, and often helpful to yoga practice to think about some of the things that can obscure the experience, of living from a spiritual perspective.rather than from the constantly changing, often habitual natural one (prakriti), where we identify ourselves with the contents of our minds and our external circumstances.
The Yoga Sutras
Patanjalis yoga sutras are sometimes seen as daunting but here I am attemtping to simplify and clarify some of the basic principles in order to convey their ability to enrich, encourage and inform the practice of the tools of yoga.
Summer Yoga 2023
The focus for the Summer classes and retreat will look at postures , breath work and meditation to ease muscle tension, cool the body and mind, ideally bringing you closer to a state of yoga. Also we will take a look at the fundamentals of the experiential guide to yoga practice, the yoga sutras.
Yoga for the busy householder
I remember the overall structure of the four chapters of the yoga sutras being described to me as a horse riding metaphor. The second chapter is for learning how to ride a horse and the first, third and fourth are about what to do when you are up on the horse.
Familiarity with body mind processes as you move towards a state of yoga
Kleshas – the definition of yoga according to the yoga sutras of patanjali is YS1.2 yoga città vritti nirodha.
Yoga is a state of mind that is completely still.
This is hard to achieve unless you become familiar with the fundamental forces that disturb the mind whose natural inclination is to be still and luminous. These forces are the physiological mechanisms underlying the movements of the mind which we are attempting to still.
Your Visit to a Yoga Therapist
Your first visit will focus on your own condition, your state of health and wellbeing, and what you would like to achieve, realistically, from yoga therapy. This first and free consultation will last from 30 minutes to an hour and will assess your physical capabilities and health in relation to yoga practise.